
Monday, December 17, 2012

questions about first amendment

One of the questions I had was what are the limits of freedom of religion?  For example, the christian science (i think thats what it was called) didn't let people get medicine or go to doctors or etc., then someone died because of that.  Does the freedom of religion cover that?  Or is it considered murder?  Also would violent protests be considered under freedom of speech?
 In the christian science one, the freedom of religion came out on top at the high court.  At the lower level court though, murder came out on top.  Some places are still not sure.  I'm not sure what i'm supposed to know for that one.  It is a really wierd case and I don't knw what to think of it.
Limits of freedom of religion:
  • your practice can never violate civil law
  • The main limitation regarding freedom of religion is simply that the dominant creed will no longer dictate the laws of the state. Freedom of religion dictates that secular beliefs must no longer be allowed to unfairly influence the state into encroaching upon the unalienable right of every individual to live or die as he/she choose.
  • Congress cannot pass any laws respecting the establishment of religion
  •  prohibits the government from interfering with the practice of one's religion so long as it is practiced within the laws of the United States
In most cases, violent protests are not covered by the first amendment which is reasonable.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Traditional and Standard grading systems

I think we have to combine both the traditional method and the standard grading system because the traditional is only a bunch of numbers.  The standard is only a bunch of words.  So if you combine the two types of grading then you will get a grading with words and numbers.  Numbers tell you exactly where you are after a group of time.  Words tell you where you are struggling and where you need more help.

The purpose of grades is to tell you how you are doing and they also use it to put you in groups by your skill.  I think both the traditional and the standard are good but they are lacking things which the other one has.  The 100 point scale is more accurate and it makes you feel better.  If it were like a 5 point scale and you got a 3 out of 5, that wouldn't look good.  If you got an 60 out of 100 that would look a lot better than a 3 out of 5.  Letters are bad in some places because if you got a really bad letter then you would feel very bad.  This is how teachers think of letter grades: A-awesome  B-above average  C-average  D-below average  F-Fail.  This is what I think of grades: A-an average grade or great you got an A  B-your going to get in some trouble  C-just stop, your going to fail  D-oh god, bye bye  F-take it easy, they'll get used to it.  I think that the grading system right now is fine, but it needs some improvement.  It shows your grade for over a long period of time like the marking period.  If we add the standard and the traditional together we will get a system that shows where you are struggling, where you are strong, and how well you can do over a long period of time.  

Monday, October 8, 2012

Creativity and schools

From watching the Ken Robinson video and reading the article, I think that school are really killing creativity.  Most schools just focus on the standardized tests and not on art or music.  Really only electives are the creative part of school.  All they worry about in normal classes like LAL and math are to finish the curriculum and make their students get good grades on the NJ ASK.  When you get to high school all the schools worry about is preparing you for the SAT.  For example the high school is having a pre SAT or something like that on like October 17th.  I know the SAT is a very important part of school but preparing the high school kids from the beginning of the year is just not smart.  Also all the parents care about now is if their kids get good grades on the NJ ASK or not.  America is a major country in which school is killing creativity.  Creativity should be saved.  I agree with Ken Robinson that school is killing creativity.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Two tests

From the two tests that we took, I learned that I am very different than I thought.  For instance, in the Anthony Gregorc test, I was Concrete sequential which totally shocked me because concrete sequential are people who are ordered, structured, practical, and organized.  How they do it is by checklists and outlines and charts and etc.  For the Gardner test I was a Logical-Mathematical person.  It means that I like to think by reasoning.  I love experimenting.  Need things to explore, science materials, manipulative, and etc.

Three people I admire are My dad, mom, and brother.  My dad I think is another Logical-Mathematical person because he likes to experiment with things.  My mom I think would be a linguistic and a logical- mathematical combined.  I think that because my mom just fits into both.  My brother is a Bodily-Kinesthetic person because he likes to work hands-on and he likes to play sports and run.

There is a lot to take from these tests about yourselves and I learned more about myself here than anywhere before.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The ups and downs of being gifted...

If your gifted you are smart in a way.  When you are gifted, you get advanced classes, which is a good thing because then you get to make other people look stupid.  Another up to being gifted is that you are different from normal people.  You get to be special in a way.  We also get to see things differently.  Being gifted also helps you when you get to college.  To be gifted is to be special because only 10 percent are gifted.  There a lot of ups to being gifted.
There are downs to being gifted also.  If you are gifted, you have a bigger chance of being bullied.  Bullies always pick on the nerds.  Also the columbus group say's that if you are gifted then you are vulnerable.  Most gifted people have asynchronized development.  Being an asynchronized developer is bad because then we won't have all our maturity at one level.  Thats bad because then you won't be equal.  Also you have lots of higher expectations.  Higher expectations are bad because everyones wants you to do good all the time.

Myths and Truths...

Some Myths about being gifted is that you get straight A's all the time.  The truth about that is that people dont always get A's.  Another Myth is that gifted kids know everything.  A thruth is that gifted people are smart but they dont know everything.  We are good is a huge myth.  People that are gifted can be very bad.  People say gifted people are nice. Most of the time I am kind but lots of times im not kind.

Those are the ups and downs and myths and thruths of being gifted.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

intro post

My name is Sai V.  I'm in 8th grade.  My favorite subject in school is math.  In my free time i play with my friends or video games.  I also play soccer.  When i grow up i want to be a pro soccer player.  I am happy most of the time.  The only time im not happy is when im mad or tired.  Im happy mostly all the time so i dont know what makes me happy.