
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Joyas Voladoras

In my mind, the meaning to this is that you should never get attached to something because it will always break your heart.  Also, he is saying that the bigger the heart the more you will care.  I think this is a very discouraging essay because it makes you think that love is not good and that little things like birds can love just as much as human.  That's why they make offspring and more little baby birds.  It makes you think that your heart will always be broken when you become attached to something or when you use it a lot.  For example, if you run, you use your heart more.  He is saying that you will die your heart out by loving and using it.  My favorite lines were in the last paragraph.  Actually, the last paragraph was the best and I liked it.  Especially the part where he say's, So much is held in a lifetime.  It is very true.  I like this piece and it makes me think that people have very different opinions about things.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Whats worth knowing

Something that is worth knowing is how to defend yourself.  You never find out that in school.  What if someone breaks into your house?  How are you going to deal with that?  School is not helpful because it doesn't teach you that.  It teaches you how to yell for help but what if no one is there to help you.  Why won't school help you with that?  Another thing worth knowing is how to read another persons face so that you know whether someone is sad, mad, happy etc.  It would help you when you get older if you are going into an area where you need it.  Also it would help gamblers.  I would like to be able to read faces and school doesn't teach you that.  Also why don't they teach you how to keep a straight face.  It's really hard to keep a straight face when you are trying not to give something away.  For example,  when you give someone a birthday present.  You try to keep a straight face because you don't want to give away the surprise.  These are all worth knowing but are not thought in school.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Boston picture redo

I chose this photo because it was cool that someone managed to take this picture on water day in the US.  It surprises me how someone has a camera and can take a picture like this in the rain.  Thats why I chose this.  In this picture, there are raindrops with a pedestrian crossing sign reflected inside them.  The yellow sign might have been missed at first glance.  It is in the background of the picture.  People might just pass over it but i thought it was stunning.  This tells the story of a photographer in the rain and he took a picture of the sign.  When he looked at it again he saw the raindrops and zoomed in.  Thats the story this pic tells.  It means that people actually take time out of their day to take a picture for water day (which is obviously good).  How did someone have the chance to take this?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Waste Land

The most memorable part was geting shown their lives outside of the dump because it shows how bad their life actually isand why they work in the dump.  It shows the circumstances they are in when they are made to work in the dump.  I leared that working in the dump isnt something to be secretive about.  Its okay to work in the dump and its something to be proud of.
 I think it felt good for the people working in the dump to have their job turned into a senation.  It must feel like something that was bad turned nto something good.
I think i would of felt pretty good about myself and i would feel happy to be a sensation and an art project.  No i dont think any of my life would lend to that project.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013